In our latest spotlight, we take a different approach and speak with the now youngest member of our office,  intern Ty Everitt.   We found out that not only does he have an affection for a certain sport and winter holiday, but also that his favorite part of our meetings MIGHT just be the food that comes with it.

Learn more from the FULL spotlight here:

What was your first paying job?

My first paying job was giving baseball lessons. I was 16 at the time and wanted to earn money to buy a car. Baseball is something I’m passionate about and I enjoy sharing my knowledge, so giving lessons was a no brainer. I gave multiple lessons a week working with kids on their hitting, pitching, and defense. My favorite part of it was getting to know each kid individually and developing a relationship over our common interest in baseball.

What sort of duties do you have at work?

I handle duties at Capital Planning ranging from organizing our clients’ information in our online files to picking up lunch for the office from a local restaurant. I take pride in doing a lot of the back-end work for the office. I also enjoy sitting in on meetings and seeing how good business is done. Plus, great food often comes along with the meetings!

What’s your favorite holiday?

My favorite holiday is Christmas. Aside from the cold weather, I enjoy the time with family that comes along with the holiday season. I like giving and receiving gifts, listening to Christmas music, and watching Christmas movies. My favorite Christmas movie is Home Alone. I look forward to my mom’s tradition of cinnamon rolls every Christmas morning.